The vulvovaginal region is sensitive, which maintains an acidic microflora. This acidic nature has to be maintained for intimate hygiene and personal well-being. Vulva is a generic name for external female genitals and comprise: Mons pubis (which is the cushioned fatty tissue having thick growth of pubic hair), Labia majora (the outer lips, with overgrowth of pubic hair), Labia minora (the inner lips, devoid of any hair growth), Clitoris and its covering or covering (situated in front of genitalarea), Vestibule (located in the vicinity of vaginal and the urethralopening), Urethral opening,  Introitus (vaginal entrance) and perineum (it is the skin situated between vagina and the anus).

Each woman has a specific appearance and dimension of the vulvovaginal region. No two women have the same physical appearance of vulva and vagina. Since it is difficult for a woman to physically see the changes going in vulvovaginal area; all possibilities of occurrence of irritation and itching are ignored. The entire area is prone to one or the other kind of infection, accompanied by symptoms such as: cracking of skin or fissuring, sensation of burning or itching, redness or swelling, appearance of skin whitening, vaginal inflammation and discharge.

Menopause and irritation

Women, especially those, who are in the age of attaining menopause, start experiencing degree of discomfort in the vaginal skin during and after the occurrence of menopause. Most prominent symptoms associated with menopause are itching, feeling of sensation of dryness, and occasional irritation. Such types of problems also cause negative effect on the sexual life of a woman. Sexual encounters become more painful than ever. Symptoms of menopause occurring in the vagina will not get better all by themselves, but these symptoms can be managed in the comforts of your home.

What happens during menopause

During the process of menopausal phases, hormone levels begin to change and this causes significant changes in the vagina too. Low secretion of female sex hormone called as estrogen will make the vaginal skin thin and dry. The lining also becomes less elastic in nature. Moreover, the dropping estrogen levels can also occur due to conditions like the medical menopause or surgical menopause. Prominent symptoms like unpleasant discharge, general discomfort, itching and burning sensation always exist.

Topical methods of maintaining intimate hygiene

There are herbal intimate wash creams available with specific pH value that will bring quick menopause relief and mellow down the symptoms. The creams are sold out at online stores and at your local pharmacy shop. The herbal intimate wash creams are over the counter medication, which does not require prescription.
Herbal intimate wash creams are the best-known remedies if there are mild vaginal symptoms.  Regular use of intimate vaginal wash will help you in treating the irritation and itching.  These herbal products also maintain the microflora of vulvovaginal area.
And if you find that irritation has overgrown and become more intense, you should visit gynecologist and discuss your medical situation in detail. She is going to help you with vaginal irritation and post-menopausal effects.